International leaders call for reforming UN structure dominate annual General Assembly week

Calls for reforming the international system dominated the 79th United Nations General Assembly, as world leaders and foreign ministers highlighted the inadequacies of global institutions in addressing the ongoing conflicts, humanitarian crises, and economic challenges.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres set the tone in his opening remarks, acknowledging that global inequalities are reflected in international institutions.

He pointed out that the UN Security Council was designed by the victors of the Second World War, when much of Africa was under colonial rule. Guterres stressed the need for African representation on the council, while recognizing the potential resistance from those with political and economic power.

Brazilian President Lula da Silva highlighted the urgency of comprehensive reforms, stating that the current UN Charter fails to address some of humanity’s most pressing issues. He called for a thorough review and revision of the Charter, focusing on the General Assembly’s structure, working methods, and veto powers.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed that reform is “imperative” in global organizations like the UN. Humanity’s success lies not in the battlefield, but in its collective strength for global peace, Modi said.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa described the Security Council’s current structure as “outdated and exclusionary,” demanding the inclusion of African nations and others in the council’s decision-making process.

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong emphasized that reform should address the needs of all countries, not just increase the power of a few.

New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Carolyn Schwalger, expressed need for Security Council reform.

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